Meet the newest branch of the United States Armed Forces – the United States Space Force. Space Force was created on December 20, 2019, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act in 2020 and is part of the Department of the Air Force. The United States Marine Corps is similar in that it also falls under another military branch, the Department of the Navy. The mission of Space Force is to protect U.S. and allies in space and provide space-based capabilities to joint forces. All previously created military space programs will now fall under Space Force and members will continue to be called “Guardians,” which is a name given to the original US Air Force Space command.
Space Force was created almost a year before the 2020 election and this fact is important to consider because of their technological capabilities. Using state-of-the-art satellites and communication systems, Space Force has the uniquely sophisticated capability to perform surveillance on various technology systems. One such system, which you all have probably heard of by now, is Dominion Voting Systems. These voting systems are connected to the internet via a network of private servers, owned by Dominion. Rudy Giuliani, who is currently be sued by Dominion for defamation, states that his conclusive evidence will save him from the frivolous lawsuit. Is it possible Giuliani received this supposed evidence from the US Space Force?
Evidence of election fraud also showed up in Italy with a former head of IT at Leonardo SpA. Arturo D’Elia was formerly charged by a public prosecutor in Naples for manipulation of technology/data and for planting viruses on computer systems at Leonardo SpA. The charges are interesting because D’Elia stated that he was directed by US personnel from the US Embassy in Rome to perform these actions. D’Elia went on to say that he transmitted switched votes to a communications tower in Frankfurt, Germany, which transmitted the date via military-grade encryption to a military satellite. Is it possible that US Space Force monitored these transmissions and was able to decrypt the data using their superior technological capabilities?
The evidence of election fraud is there but this kind of article won’t ever appear in the mainstream media except to say that it’s fake news, their usual ploy in defense of accusations that could help to bring down the deep state. One thing for sure here is that Trump ensured that the Space Force was created and that it would play a central role in protecting the United States in cyber space and beyond.